Monday 26 July 2010

Mama Made Mondays

Need to cheer myself up, as had a bit of run in online and feeling really upset about it.

But anyway, here's another mama make, I made for Rye:

A lovely warm crocheted scarf made last year for Yule.  This is one of the freedom spirit 100% wools and oh it 's so soft and lovely.  A very basic scarf, I just chained the required width and then crocheted trebles until it was the desired length.  Ten added  the fringes.

Pity this yarn colourway has been discontinued because I'd would have done a hat and mits to match too.


MamaUK (Rosaleen) said...

Are you OK? The first sentence of your post made me feel worried for you.
Rosaleen ♥

Joxy34 said...

Oh, oh I am sorry you felt worried. Yes I'm fine, thank you. Just had an unpleasant run in with someone and felt rather upset about it at the time.. but, today is a new day :-)

Talie Fay said...

Gosh yes I felt concerned too when I read your opening sentence hun. Hope you're feeling better now.
Your scarf is beautiful. You can even tell how soft it must be from the photo!


Dotty Delightful said...

I love the wool it looks so scrummy!