Monday 10 January 2011

Mama Made Mondays

I made Rye a flying star.  Its the african flower motifs sewn around a tennis ball and some ribbon added.   Not entirely sure about the tennis ball, it makes it feel very hard, I think it would be better with a bag of lentils or similar - bit of squishy-ness.

I haven't done much on the granny stripe, busy-ness of motherhood, childminding and just life in general.  I do want to get it finished as soon as possible though, before my enthusiasm for it wanes.

Ohhh and Rye has been building train tracks again; he's building more and more complex tracks - I'll keep an eye out for expansions kits etc, this is one toy that I think will be a firm favourite for a long time.


*❀* said...

brrrrrr it's f-f-f-freezing today. so glad i can now curl up with my laptop and a cuppa and read some more of your posts.
my boys used to love their brio trainset, must think about getting some pieces for my little grandson.
love the crocheted flying star, that is such a fabulous idea!

wishing you a wonderful week xxx


Jessica said...

Beautiful crochet Joxy, you have so much talent for turning wool into amazing creations.

Kimmy said...

That is lovely little star! Are you using patterns from a book?
The traintrack is one amazing toy isn´t it! jamie already loves it , he is 2. the years they get out of it though is great!
We have bought the ikea tracks, they go with brio too!
Kimmy x

Talie Fay said...

Yay! I thought Mama Made Monday was dying a death. Feel terrible that I set it up and then hardly ever manage a post ;-) Got one planned for next week though.

I love the star. Is there no end to your crocheting skills ;-) Keep meaning to make something similar out of fabric.

Wooden train track - ingenious stuff. Keeps everyone happy regardless of age and gender. Magic!

Shanti said...

That looks like a really lot fun!!! I loved making tracks of different complexities...