Friday, 1 June 2012

Thursday Fun.

Ah, I do love Thursdays.
It's the Home Ed group day, and if we aren't forest schooling, youth clubbing or tripping, we go to various parks in the area for picnics and to let the kids run free.

This time it was Lathe Barn, which is a cute little farm with pigs, goats, geese, ducks, hens, sheep, chinchillas and rabbits; it also sports a very climbable tree, great little go kart type rides ons, a combine harvester look a like climbing frame; and enough space for the kids to run about and for mamas to sit and enjoy the sunshine and have a chat.

We also had a birthday, and one of the older kids baked a lovely rainbow cake.  
So, so love my home ed group; fantastic group of people :D

 Lucky O, he had a Chocolate Caterpillar Cake AND a Rainbow cake :D
 Rye waiting, not so patiently for his cake.
 These go carts things are great, the kids get a right speed up.  I've tried to find similar, but so far not much look.... or more expensive than I want to spend!
Seriously ugly pig... very cute, but boy ugly.  Looks like someone took a bat to her face and crushed it.  LOL.  The piglets were very friendly, waggy tails and all that.    Rye spent ages talking to the owner as she fed the pigs.  I assume he was asking questions about the pigs.  I was just chuffed that he was confident enough to chat away to an adult :D

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