Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Wonderful Word Wednesday

Curtesy of Arlenkern74

So, I came across a word today that I think is simply marvellous and I just had to share it with you all.

The word is "Lollygagging" it is an americanism but I make no apologies, it is a fabulous word meaning to "loaf, dawdle, pootle".

So, tell me, have you being lollygagging today?


Jax Blunt said...

oh, I love me a bit of lollygagging!

Think I first came across it in one of my all time favourite films, Bull Durham :)

Cave Mother said...

I wish my daughter would give me time for lollygagging!

Wyld Jane.. said...

lolly gagging ! brilliant x

Sharrhy said...

Lollygagging sounds wonderful! If only we all had the time for some.

Jacqui said...

Never done anything like that ;) xx

Shirl said...

Most definitely lol!

Shirl x