Monday, 5 April 2010

Faery Ball

Some excited T'pot cudddling as we wait for our guests to arrive.
Helping to wash the veg from the veg box.
Received Thursday - a lovely Ostara message from Jenna, and a beautiful drawing on the back (including a parcel of seeds :-)  ) 
Excitement, "Alice, Sarah, Colin", he repeats over and over;
Arrived, a beautiful faery princess read for the ball.
Much fun was had, the ball was actually quite an intimate affair and Alice had.. well, a ball :-) 
No photos of Rye because I left him at home playing with my friend's son, who kindly agreed to babysit.  May seem mean, however, Rye isn't a fan of crowds of loud music; although it wasn't as crowded or loud as I expected but still,  I think I made the right decision leave him home.

Ohhh and the costumes folks were wearing.  Some of the faeries were incredibly elborate... along with lots of dashing men.. quite of few of whom were dressed very much like pirates ;-)

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