Friday, 13 January 2012

What we been up to then, eh?

Well there's been scissor practise, and I'm so excited 
because here he held the scissors properly without me prompting!

Crochet for me.  I'm thinking of making a garland out of these, love em.
I'm also thinking of leaving out the star in the circle and backing and adding photos to these to make wee 
hanging frames for an "ancestor" tree on the season table.
There's been lots and lots of creating; these were Rye's 
variation of an aeroplane that is displayed on the citiblocks package.
 A big sun made out of straws.
 "Make me a windmill, Jacqui."
So I did (copying a picture on the box)
 The sun metamorphises.
 And new to me, an armchair.  I seriously lack seating as my lounge 
is set up as a playroom.  But I decided to make room for a chair.
A very lovely comfy chair, ok I confess the pattern isn't me, 
this chair is destined to be crochet festooned, I think 
appropriately, some variation of a granny square!

Popular with the children too.

We've also been to the park
played with friends
read about space and space rockets
I'm on day 5 of a Juice only detox (and lost 9lbs so far)
We've been to friend's houses for play and a natter
We've been out on bikes,scooters, skateboards.. well,
when I say "we" I do mean Rye and the minded children.
I've build Rye's bed then had to mostly take it apart again;
cos the legs were on back to front. 
We've danced to Planet Rock on the radio
We've read stories

And I'm trying to face the tax return I simply MUST
do before 31st Jan.
Oh and more crochet.


missking said...

love the new look! well done for eht juice thing. sounds like you are doing really well. might have to look that up myself!!

Valerie said...

I love the crochet (star circle). Duncan bought me a crochet starter kit for Christmas and its hidden under the chair at the side of the bed (I fear it lol).

Claire said...

Have you seen some of the crochet "yarn bombed" chairs on pinterest, might give you some inspiration! Love the idea of photo frames and ancestor tree.