Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Sunny Hedonism.

The sun has come out to warm our cockles, and boy did we make the most of it:
Friends came over for a BBQ, and stayed over, initially for a night, turning into 3 nights. 
The children were very impressed with the projector too, which I popped on each evening to settle them down, while me and my friend sat in my garden to the early hours chattering and consuming a wee mouthful of cider...
 What is sunshine without bubbles?
 Trips to the fountain were mandatory!

And later to the beach, though by the evening that wind had a heck of a chill factor. 

 Returning from the beach we discovered the fountain lights were on - and indeed had been changed
for a far more colourful display.... suddenly the kids weren't cold and wanting to go home.

 There were visits to the local park.

And meeting more friends for yet more fountain frolicks.

1 comment:

Danigirl said...

Love those coloured lights in the fountain -= what happy sunny pics :-)