Monday 5 October 2015

Lazy Sunday Baking.

Yoghurt lemon drizzle cake.  Oh, yes please.  I adore this cake, now, I live in a vegan co-op, so I needed a vegan recipe - I used this one.  I also read the comments, and noticed one lady mentioning adding lemon oil extract; well okay, I have that too.  Notice this recipe doesn't mention drizzling lemon syrup over the top - me I like my lemon cake drizzled and sticky; so I took a lemon, squeezed it and added a heaped tsp of icing sugar and mixed together until the sugar dissolved.

Then take the cake from the oven, pop a few cocktail stick holes in it and pour over the lemon syrup.  Leave it in the pan for 20 minutes or so; then turn it out onto a wire wrack and leave to cool.  Of course you could eat now; but it will be very soft; leave it to cool and the cake will slice much hard I know...but mmm worth it.  This cake is moist, soft and oh, so lemony - honestly, vegan cake - baked well is as good as normal dairy & egg made cakes.

Now, in Rose Howey, we share our evening meal together - Mon-Thurs, and Fridays, those of us who are in, tend to order take out together; and the weekends occasionally someone will cook; I though, like to cook in my flat just for Rye and myself.  Communal meals are loud and chaotic, so I really enjoy our weekend evening meals together, where we can talk in peace, and I can hear Rye properly and he's not distracted by the chaos around us.

Yesterday I made colcannon and vegan sausages for tea, yum.
Today I've put on corn chowder in the slow cooker, and after noticing an American friend on facebook mention her biscuits, (This is the recipe she used) I decided to have a go - basically its drop scones baked - they look fabulous and I hope, will go beautifully with our chowder.
These are so tender and crumbly; thinking on, its basically a short crust pastry recipe but with baking powder added.  I always follow the recipe properly once, after that I tend to tinker.  I did wonder about the amount of salt; and I was right, too much for Rye's and mine palates.  Although, I did find crumbled into the chowder the saltiness wasn't as profound.  However, wee bit less salt and these will make future quick and easy, delicious biscuits for soup.   
(Yup, that's the cake up there too... we had two large slabs each, beautiful!)

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