Wednesday, 21 October 2009

As night draws in.

Teatime; chicken and vegetable pie with carrots and mashed brussels.

Rye's response, "Ummm pastry, so nice".

Rye took a photo of his cars and garage.

I took one of him and he insisted I took a photo of me - eek:

And then another photo of him

When asked what he wanted to do next he said, "Ohh, park".

So, we went to the park and jumped in puddles on the way.

and got very wet bums;

And I have been meaning to post a thank you to Rachel, from Our Free Range Family blog , for the lovely books - thank you hon, Rye was very chuffed to see Thomas books AND a dinosaur book :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a lot you've squeezed in today, and a trip to the park in the dark (!) when you're feeling poorly! Super Mum!

Eoforhild said...

What a wonderful evening you had. The pie looks fantastic.

Hi, I'm Avril by the way...

me said...

Beautiful pictures, and looks like you had a fun day :)

Joxy34 said...

LOL no not super mum, the pastry I did in the magimix and the chicken was already cooked; all I did was chuck in some veg and the made the white sauce mixed it all together, chucked it into a pot and put the pastry on top.