Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Making new friends.

Today was the day.  I took Rye to Kids Planet and met up with 3 other families.  There were 9 kids in all and it was wonderful.  Even though I've never met these women before and only had the briefest of discussons online, to agree where to meet, talking to them was very easy.   I was deeply relieved.  I'm normally appalling at chitchat, but it was so easy, we all asked each other why we were HEing, what we hoped to acheive etc, we talked of reactions of family and friends.  One mum is from Switzerland, and has come to UK so she can continue to HE as most of the cantons in Switerland have now banned HE and some apparently, have even lowered the school age to 4!  Chatted about the children, talked about setting up a HE group.  I think at the moment we are going to be more of an informal group and rather than getting a venue to meet and planning activities each week etc, we're going to be a bit more relaxed and instead just arrange to go places and do things together.

We agreed Kids Planet is a good place for meeting in the winter, probably fortnightly (and Kids Planet seemed open to offering a discount), one of the mum's spoke of a messy play shop, where the owner had already said she was happy for HE'ers to come along and join in.  Arranging a trip to the Rare Breeds Farms near Ashford was discussed - and of course, next week we are meeting up for the Healthy Seas event down at the Coastal Park in Folkestone.

The age range fo the children was brillant too.  From 16 months through to 11(? I think the oldest boy was 11) - girls are a little out numbered at the moment - but we're hoping as we start to publicise things we're doing together than other mums/families will join us and maybe we'll eventually have a nice sized group :-)

Chuffed to bits :-)


Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Glad you enjoyed it and found some like-minded people! I love the idea of a messy play shop, toyed with the idea of opening one myself a few years back!

Jax said...

sounds great :)

Deb said...

That's great - I'm chuffed to bits for you! :)

Joxy34 said...

I rather like the idea of not being responsible for the clear up too of the messy play stuff.

It is such a relief because I was seriously wondering if in a few years I'd have to consider moving back to Medway and I do love it down here in Folkestone.

Jacqui said...

Really good you've found some like minded souls in a place you love. xx

Wyld Jane.. said...

Really glad you had a great time xx

Stephanie said...


Laura said...

This sounds great!