Thursday, 11 February 2010


Last night;
Walked to garage (it's a M&S shop too), for some milk and it is literally five minutes up the road, once back my hair was frozen!
Scene this morning when I got up
It's at least a foot deep, when I opened my back door to take this photo of my bins, a huge drift fell inwards.  DOH.
There's also a huge lorry parked outside; often drivers come down here thinking its the industrial estate.  I'm guessing he's stuck, or just decided to park up and wait it out, he'll be there a while the Channel Crossing is closed.  Keep wondering if I should bang on the cabin and ask if he'd like to come in; or at least a hot cuppa.

The boy isn't awake yet, but ohhh I can't wait to see his face when he sees how much snow there is!
I don't think I've ever seen so much snow down south before.


Dawn said...

Wow, you did get a lot of snow last night.
Have great fun Rye and mama.

nocton4 said...

what a fun day you have ahead of you ... enjoy xxx

Joxy34 said...

I am soo ready for spring and warmer weather.. but I admit the little kid in me is very excited at the amount of snow out there. The adult though is thinking of cold feet and hands and stocking up on some hot coffee before venturing out lol.

Claire said...

It's the thought of a mug of hot chocolate warming your hands on your return home that keeps me going on days like this!

The picture of the bins,at first glance, I thought was a couple of shaun the sheep!

Have fun!

Eoforhild said...


That is an impressive amount of snow. Have fun.

Fiona said...

Wow - even I am impressed with all your proper snow.
Hope you and Rye have lots and lots of fun today.