Tuesday, 20 April 2010


While very sunny the past week, the wind has been bitterly cold, so much so it has felt more like Autumn than Spring.  Today has been beautifully warm.  The children played in the garden, I pottered in the kitchen.  After snacks I popped C down for a nap as she had a development test later on in the afternoon.  That girl does like to sleep; at least 2 hours every day, sometimes she sleeps for 3!

Have to say I wish the HV had come to my home to assess Rye when he had his 2 1/2 year check. 

The assessment was fine, C is a little behind with her language skills, but then I knew that and had already told mum that I thought C wasnt quite where one would expect a 19 month old to be, speechwise -but at the same time, she has made great inroads; from barely vocalising to being very chatty and having at around 20-30 words.  And gosh, that little girl has come on in leaps and bounds with her confidence.  The lady who assessed C did worry mum a bit; but we chatted and I think mum is happier now.  I pointed out that Rye appeared delayed in his speech for ages too; and now I can't get him to shut up! lol.

I confess I found the assessment a bit stressful myself - I wasn't sure what to expect and of course, I couldn't help wondering if I, as a childcare provider, was being judged too.  It quickly became apparent that the assessement was just a bog standard one - albietly done by a "Developmental Officer" rather than a H.V. 

Anyway, after the assessment, the kids and I went down to the park to meet up with Sarah and the twins.  That's quickly becoming a firm friendship; and oh, the twin boys, they are soooo gorgeous, and very, very identical, I have to keep asking which one I'm holding as for the most part I cannot tell them apart.  And the boys confuddle me too - Issacc loves books, so the twin that was cuddling me on the sofa, I assumed, was Joshua... nope.  lol.  Actually, the more time I spend with them, the more I'm noticing little differences - trouble is I keep forgetting whose slightly different! LOL.

And Rye, oh, I'm so proud of him.  He seems to have got over his fear of dogs and is in love with Loki, the Siberian Husky.  He cuddles the dog, gives him kisses etc.  This is all since the trip to Lyminge Forest; before that he would get fairly hysterical if Loki came near. 

After the park, we went back to Sarah's and before we knew it, it was time to make our way home, for C being picked up by her mum.  Rye and I enjoyed some time together in the garden, blowing bubbles and me enjoying a glass of pear cider, which I kept a very close eye on, as Rye drank the lemonade I had earlier, when I did a spot of sun bathing, while C had a nap, cheek monkey!

Then bath, storytime and bed for Rye.  Oh, I rearranged his bedroom round a bit while he was in the bath too; and it looks so much nicer now - he even has a bit of floor space for playing, should he wish to - tho, he's kinda at that age where he wants to be in the thick of things, so he doesn't miss anything ;-)


Unknown said...

i've seen so many children who speak late, and then in later years you wouldn't know the difference. 'average' is so misleading when it comes to these checks. it's good to know you're not overly concerned.

i've heard it's been sunny in uk, we've had too much rain here!

Joxy34 said...

Yeah, the way C has come along in the, what five, months she's been with me, I reckon it won't be long before she's caught up. She's a bright girl and she clearly understands very well. Mum is still a little concerned, but then, that's the nature of mums :-) I remember being worried about Rye too.

And aye, lovely and sunny; bit cloudier today, although tis late afternoon it's being beautiful again - but very cold today. I've been wearing my fleece coat and still feeling cold. Should have put the heating on, but oh, I refuse to have the flipping heating on in APRIL!

beckw said...

Alfie didn't speak any proper words until 21 months but soon caught up (and has very advanced vocabulary for a 4yo now) Fortunately we have no development tests past 6 months here - they just send you a sheet of what they should be able to do and say ring if you're worried.