Friday, 14 January 2011

Spread the word!

Today's news regarding the new study into bfing - where it says that exclusive bfing for 6 months may not necessarily be beneficial - is UTTER BOLLOCKS.

The scientists in the study have links and have received funding from the formula companies - and hey, they don't have any vested interest in women stopping bfing sooner, do they....


Susie said...

Well said!! Complete, total bollocks!! xxx

Hopeful ... but losing hope. said...

I agree, I read that article and thought it couldn't be right.

arwen_tiw said...

Having very big feelings about this right now. UGH. Thanks for being your usual practical forthright self. :)

Kathryn said...

Its funny (in a disheartnening way how many people who know how I feel about breastfeeding have come up to me since this waas palstered all over national news in order to basically say "I told you so - ha ha you were wrong!" Grr!

Joxy34 said...

Tis rather disheartening that they lack the basic nounce to realise the bias of the study, too. :-(

Becks said...

Well said. Maybe that's the answer I should be giving?

*❀* said...

i agree it is big huge UB too.

am going to have a lovely time now with a cup of tea catching up on your blog.
haven't been over for ages, but today i have a whole day all to myself to do what i like with :o)

have posted my first attemps on crochet today too. do pop over and tell me what you think. i would value your opinion.

ok, now off to read :o)
