Hmmm equinox celebrations have not gone to plan. Sinsusitis and just general over doing it caught up with me, and when we arrived home this afternoon after running a few errands, I did pretty much collapse in a heap on the sofa. Tiger Balm (marvellous stuff), was applied to my forehead, mind, I did get brain freeze a tad; tigerbalm reacts with liquid and produces a very cold feeling (or hot depending on the type one has, I've got the cold one), and as I was sweating when I applied it...
I am miffed, beautiful day and done so very little, Rye was desperate to paint; I've bought him some leaf sponges and we were going to make lots of leaf prints and then cut them out and make garlands to decorate the lounge with. Plus I wanted to take Rye back to the forest today with our bikes, and go for a ride, while also collecting leaves, cones etc so we can make an autumn door wreath. None of it has happened, I had to sleep, on the bonus side I did wake up feeling much better, and the sinus rinse pot and stuff has arrived so I've begun using that and I am hoping it will help to clear the constant infections and re-establish equilibrium.
As for our celebrations and our crafting, well, those we'll simply do this coming week. Our wishes, blessings and reflections will become a part of the universe, our crafting, our intent will make it all sacred, and we are turning with wheel, honouring and celebrating the changes, and I'll begin fillling in our family journal. Remember the book I mentioned buying at the Mercian:
This is it. Isn't it beautiful. I have something a little different in mind for this book - such books are usually used to record magical matters, Wiccans call such books "Books of Shadows", others call them grimoires etc. Mine is simply going to be a family journal. A record of our own little traditions, potions, words of wisdom, basic info on herbs/plants etc, recipes, special places etc; a family heirloom. I'd been keeping it for this Equinox, I'm looking forward to beginning it :-)
The only other thing I've achieved today, is trimming Rye's hair. The fringe was over his eyes and really, really did need cutting. I'm not particularly good at hair cuts, so perhaps the next one I'll take him to a barber...but anyway this is his new haircut:
Rye is once again very interested in writing, particuarly numbers, so he's been using his chalk board a lot the past few days:
Really pleased with this number 6. I have been writing the numbers on the board for him, and then going over them with my finger, so it creates a faint outline for him to draw over. Here Rye has remembered how to draw a 6 all by himself :-)
Having a go at 9, the top one is his attempt, and the bottom one near him, is where I've done the outline for him.
Rye is enjoying drawing people at the moment. This is a portrait of Jack, the little boy I mind. I was particularly impressed that Rye added ears... although he does seem to have an aversion to noses at the moment. Good to see him drawing again - he had gone back to scribbling, all he wanted to do was "colour in" as he called it. I've been explaining that what one normally does is draw a picture and then colours that in, rather than just scribbling all over a page (or the blackboard).
Oooh remember the King Cole Riot I bought? I've been making a few motifs to try and decide which one to use - I plan to make a short skirt to wear over leggings from it; these are 2 motifs I've hooked up so far:
I really like this first motif, but the stitch definition of this yarn isn't suitable to such an intrique design, so while I love it, I think such a motif would be better hooked in a cotton.
This motif is better. The pattern shows inspite of the yarn, and it looks very pretty. It's a contender. There's a few other motifs I want to hook first before I make the final decision. Saying that, I may just use a plethora of motifs.
Sorry you have been feeling unwell again. Sometimes I think it is better not to plan and just go with the flow, less disappointment that way! I love the journal idea, and what a beautiful looking journal too!
And that King Cole Riot looks fantastic crocheted! I've still got half a ball left, might have to see what I can rustle up!
Loving the motifs! And I kinda like the idea of random different ones pieced together. And I cant help but think it would be more interesting to make up. :) happy hooking.
What a handsome boy boy you have there, he looks like my Seany, I love long hair in boys – is the Latin in me!
Gosh isnt Rye looking grown up. Love the sound of your family journal. Hope your feeling better soon x
I feel so much better today! Whether that was the sinus rinse, or just a good day who knows, but ooh it's been nice to feel more upbeat.
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