Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Ooops I did it again...

Honestly, it just fell into my basket and it would have been rude not to buy it....

Araucania Aysen. 

Araucania Azapa

Araucania Azapa
 The yarn was bought from Stash Fine Yarns. 

The hook, oh, I just had to have a black cat hook :-)  The Hook itself is a Susan Bates 5mm.  Not sure about it at the mo, and actually holding this hook feels a bit odd too, personally I'd have preferred the polymer handle to be longer, as I normally have my thumb on the flat bit of the hook in the middle.  But then I weren't keen on the clover hooks either, and but after using one a fair bit, I've come to appreciate the comfort and lack of hand strain when hooking over a long period of time.

I did buy another a 4.5mm hook, simply because when I saw it, I knew it was destined to belong to a friend.  I'll be posting it to her soon. :D


arwen_tiw said...

So naughty! Enjoy the yummy yarny goodness. :) I am still working my way through some of my stash before I'm permitted to buy more LOL.

Claire said...

Looks like you have the shakes with that many items just being clicked into your basket, I'd get that looked at!!

All looks lovely yarn though :)

Dawn said...

Lovely! Your stash is growing a lot lately ;-), lovely additions.

Laura said...

I love araucania! gorgeous! :)

VAL said...

Oh why not, there are worst ways to spend your money. The first yarn is lovely