Thursday, 9 July 2009

About Time.

I finally received my crb check through the post this morning. The Ofsted registration should come through in the next few days and then I can start advertising! Yah. I'm so relieved, wasn't sure how I'd manage for much longer and was beginning to think I might have take on some temp work.

This does means some hardwork in the next week; the garden needs a serious tidy up and the driveway is very overgrown with weeds so I'll need to sort that out so not to put off potential clients. I've just realised though that my policies were on my old laptop that has gone kaput. I'm hoping they are on my usb stick, if not I'll have to write them all again. Booo.

I am so relieved though, with any luck by August I'll have kiddies and be earning! YAH.


willow81 said...

That's great news hon, I know they've kept you waiting an age for that. Good luck finding some babes to mind! xx

Wyld Jane.. said...

excellent news so glad it came xx

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Brilliant news, keep us posted on the ins and outs of your childminding adventure :-)

Joxy34 said...

thank you :-)

I am so relieved, it's come through :-)