Look at his face, the utter joy in the moment. I can't take credit for his happy nature and undulterated exhubrance for life, that is all his doing; if anything he's teaching me how to be more joyful.
Ooops, I did not realise the lense had a smudge on it; little fingers finding things they shouldn't :-)
I stil had some salt dough left from way back, so I decided to see if it could be used... and that would be a resounding no. In the hot afternoon sun it quickly went very gloopy, so I had to fall back on the couple balls of plastacine I have. Rye really enjoyed himself, although admittedly, he enjoyed having my undivided attention. I have been a bit distracted the past few days, letting worries intrude, worries that I can't do anything about and just need to leave be. Everything is in place, so now it's simply a case of waiting, and what be, will be.
What to do to keep an energetic little boy entertained while Mummy does battle in the kitchen? Toddler Swing Balloon of course. I found a couple of balloons in tub, blew them up, I was just going to throw them oustide for Rye to play with but the wind changed my mind. Solution, tie them to the washing line and create "swing balloon". He thought it was hilarious and played happily; well with frequent sidetrips to the kitchen to check how I was getting on, and to ask "Mummy play with balloon?"
And if one balloon is good, surely two is better?
And then splashing the balloon with water was clearly the thing to do next. Along with wetting my dry washing. Oh well.
Great idea. I'll save that one up for next summer! I love the first picture of your little boy's happy face.
i am definately going to pinch that idea!
Ohh, what a lovely happy smile!
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