Sunday, 16 May 2010

through the key-hole #1 ~ sink view

"...each week i'll post the latest peek and the theme for the upcoming week (do offer suggestions!). we share a photo of this area and leave it at that, or we share a snippet of info - do you like it, wish it were different? is there a story attached to the area/object.... the idea is to keep it intimate, so not a view of a whole room, but a close up of the area/objects.

this week's theme is
sink view - what you look at when you wash the pots-n-pans. is it a brick wall, a spice rack, a window into the neighbour's garden?"    From Holistica Mama

So, this is my view from my kitchen sink.
There is a window on either side of the cupboard.  Direct view though, this is what I see.  Interestingly, almost all the objects (except the white cups and plates) are charity shop finds.  Hehe, and that tube of handcream... been with me over a year now, inspite of being smack bang in front of me.. I still forget to use it!

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