Wednesday, 25 August 2010


This is the word of the week, I think.  Lots of fun, playing, laughter, giggling, outdoor playing, hugs, and to top it all off marvelousbargains at the charity shop!

Sun bathing in the sun yesterday.  My mindee is laid next to Rye too, I think they were looking for planes in the sky.
Delicious spiced apple muffins with a crunchy topping of cinnamon granulated sugar and almonds.  Yum, these were thoroughly appreciated at snack time.  I have recently purchased a granite chopping board, which I'm use as my baking stone.  Since putting this piece of granite in the oven, the muffins have been cooking beautifully.  I think because it helps to regulate the oven temperature and encourages more even cooking.  But anyway - it is a very cheap way to get a large baking stone, simply slice away the rubber feet (get it all off or it will reek when you use the stone) and then just pop in the oven.  The stone MUST be placed in a cold oven and heated up with the oven... otherwise it could shatter.  The advantage to a granite stone too, is the surface is polished - so cleaning flour etc off the stone is, pardon the pun - a singe.
Rye saw this fella at the charity shop and said, "Mama, Bob the builder likes me!"  lmao.
And this is my bargain of the week.  A finger puppet theatre, which can also be used a shopping kiosk.  It looks like it's never been used.  And the cost, a princely sum  of £3.50!  How fabulous.  This I've put away for Yule or Rye's b'day haven't decided which yet.
If pressed I would be unable to succintly explain why this week is being so convivial; it's not a great deal different from most weeks - I just feel suprisingly tranquil.

Anyhoos, time to wake up missus, and get on with tea.  We have some potatoes and cabbage left over from yesterday - so I may make a posh bubble and squeak for tea. :-)


Eoforhild said...

Excellent charity shop finds. I love finding bargains like that.

The muffins look delicious. I can never get muffins right, they always end up being really stodgy.

Becks said...

Ooh yummy bubble and squeak. We had it for tea yesterday and today lol. Topped with cheese and baked beans.
Your muffins look very tasty too.

Joxy34 said...

The last 2 batches of muffins have been particularly moist and delicious. And both the blueberry and today's spiced apple muffins were made without the egg. I just added an extra tsp of baking powder instead. YUM.

Ohhh the bubble and squeak was lovely - I've picked up a burger press, and decided to make "quarter pounder" bubble and squeak patties; and as I had some other veggies to use up, I added chopped courgettes, bok choy and onion oh and some parmasan cheese.. an egg and a few homemade breadcrumbs to bind - and nom nom nom, our tummies were very happy :-)

Unknown said...

It's great when you feel like that. xx

bubble and squeak is yum.