This week I've written a rather lengthy list of "To dos". One was to move the sandpit onto the decking to give the grass a chance to come back - check. That was completed yesterday after a lengthy visit to the park and a picnic.
Such a shame, these wooden tables were only put in the park a few months ago - but they haven't been protected so the wood is now grey and splitting from being subject to the weather. I'm half tempted to buy some wood oil and do it myself. These must have cost a pretty penny too, sigh.
Large slides on either side of us, yet Rye prefers to run up the hill and jump into my arms, then roll back down the slope. Bless him. It did look fun, I have to say.
Oh, and one of the to dos was to write up a weekly rhythm:
Again, I've deliberately made it fairly fluid and loose. Fitting it around things we already do within the week, I also need a rhythm that would work with my minded child too.
And today there was a spot of DIY, so painting was put aside, but I thought Rye watching and helping (handing me the screws and screw driver) was a worthwhile activity, too. The project was to put up a black out blind in Rye's room. Originally, a friend was going to do this for me, in exchange for yoghurt lemon drizzle cake, but our schedules aren't colliding favourably, so I decided to have a go myself. I will have a go at DIY, but I accept I have a rather slapdash nature and measuring and precision is something I simply do not have the mentality for. Still, the blind is up, its so far stayed up, so not bad - ok I did split the wood drilling a screw in because it wasn't straight and I could have done with the blind being a a few mm more over to the right... but overall, I am pleased with the effort.
As we were already in Rye's room, I decided to move it around again. Months earlier I had to move the bed away from the window because I discovered my mindee had tried to climb up onto the window sill and caught her leg down the back of the radiator. The room simply does not work with the bed moved opposite the door. This is such a small room and any other arrangement makes it feel cramped. If she does climb I will have to come up with an alternative - now Rye is sleeping in his bedroom I do not feel it is fair that his room is configured for her and he was beginning to see the room as C's rather than his own. Anyhoos, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
And the other to do's?
Finish the gnome hats for a friend.
Finish the green man painting commission.
Bed in the new drawing pen in preparation for producing another commission.
Clear out the hallway.
I think I might just get it all done by the end of this week :-)
Wow, a busy week, hope you get it all done!
A very busy week indeed :D
I love your wallchart, it's so inviting. And the dragon in Rye's room is adorable!!
Rye's guardians sent him the dragon. It's gorgeous isn't it :-)
Hehehe, I forgot to add to the list I need to finish off my mindee's b'day present; a crochet flower circlet and I had hoped to saw up the logs outside for outside treeblocks - I don't think I@ll get to that chore though as the weather has turned now and it's raining.
Busy little bees and the blind looks great, I'm a slap dash DIY person too. (don't forget to pop the cord for the blind high up, just seeing it there in the photo - don't want any accidents if little ones like climbing :-)).
Wow! That IS a busy schedule, but one that I'm sure my middle schoolers would take over math and testing any day. :P
Yes I was very relieved to discover the cord hangs on that side too, because it's the feet end of the bed and of course with high shelves means it's easy to put out of the way. Rye, is fine with it, but my mindee, well she'd get herself caught up in it, no doubt.
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