Monday, 27 September 2010

Friday and the weekend.

A massive mix bag.

Jigsaw puzzle love
Cleaning the brownie pot; Rye style.
Man overboard
Kent Pagan Camp
Helping to decorate the Goddess.

I had a lovely photo of the finished sculpture; she was made from leaves and sticks scavanged from the tree lined edges around the campsite, and also the folks that camped, (brave souls, it was flipping cold!), had been beachcombing earlier, and added some wonderful finds - alas, I managed to delete the wrong photo on the camera - and realised far too late that I could have undone the delete. DOH.

We only day visited, and brrrrr it ws cold.  I hadn't anticipated just how cold Saturday was.  I had crocs on and no socks and just a t'shirt and jumper.  I froze my substantial ass off, so we didn't stay as long as we might have.  Instead my friend and I, and Rye all went back to hers for some lovely warming pasta and hot drinks before Rye and me braved the cold again to walk home - (only 5 min walk)..and dive straight upstairs to bed to snuggle under fleeces and the summer duvet.... may need to think about swapping over to my winter duvet soon.

Sunday, alas was a wasted day.  I felt gawd awful.  Terrible sinus headache where I felt so horribly sick if I stood up, so most of the day was spent in bed.  Poor Rye, not the most fun of days for him.  He played with his toys, watched a lot of DVDs and spent a lot of time cuddling me and telling me he loved me.  Bless his cotton socks.

I think I really ought to knock up some meals to chuck in the freezer for "ill days" though.  Meals for him weren't ideal; cornflakes and raisins with milk, pasta, tuna, sweetcorn mixed together with mayonnaise and crumbled up brownie with icecream.  Not that he complained, still I'd prefer to have healthier options on offer for those days when I feel naff - or just too tired to cook.

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