Friday 13 May 2011

Rock Pooling.

Fabulous day!

This afternoon we went down to the beach and searched the rock pools - the kids found loads of stuff, including a baby octopus/cuttlefish, lots of crabs, shrimp, quite a few fishes etc.  Brilliant!  Then we wandered back up to the Coastal Park for an hour before then trooping back to mine for a BBQ.

The plan had been to have the bbq at the coastal park, but it was so windy, (and a bit chilly) that I invited everyone one back, (and why is it, whenever you decide to do these things, the house is a bit of a mess????)

Still, we had a fabulous time, the kids played, the adults chatted, (and I even had a wee sip or two of homemade peach wine, and elderflower wine - yum yum!), and we've planned the next month's get togethers; which include, boating, cycle trips, bird reserve trips, Brockhill Park, Coastal Park etc.  Excellent!
I am a little nervous about the cycling.  For my birthday I have decided to buy myself one; and I am obviously very overweight and very unfit and yes, I'm going on a cycle ride.  Eeek!  Mind, on the upside I only have to cycle there, the nice Mr G (as I'll call him), has said I can put the bike in his bus on the way back and get a lift back!  Woohoo.  Now I've just gotta get Rye riding his bike!  I am actually looking forwad to it, and hoping the cycling will help the weight to get shifted.

I do love having people over to the house, yes ok, I have left most of the clean up till the morning, (so up early to get it done, before mindie arrives), but nonetheless, its just so nice to have a house, or rather a garden full of friends and children and everyone just chatting and having fun!    There is also a distinct benefit to these lovely busy afternoons with lots of friends to run around with............

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