Thursday, 22 September 2011

Dover Castle.

Today with the home ed group, we went to Dover castle; and as we were going as a group and had informed the castle a few weeks ago, we all got in for free :-)

I've been to Dover Castle once before; many, many years ago, before Rye.  It's changed quite a lot, last time I went the castle was just empty rooms, no floor etc and I remember being a  wee bit disapointed.  However there's a few rooms that have now been recreated.  We didnt' actually get to see much because Rye was a little nervous the dimly lit rooms, and he just wanted to play and eat the sweets I mistakeningly bought him BEFORE we'd been around the castle.  Shan't make that mistake again!

However, I hadn't expected to be able to take him in to see many of the exhibits as he's not beeen before and Rye is not a child who adapts comfortably to "first" experiences.  So I'll be taking him back another time, and I expect he will be much more interested.

That's not to say fun wasn't had. :-)  We've had some new members lately to the group, and it's lovely the kids are getting on great.  Particularly nice as one of the children was horribly bullied at school and was a little scared of other children; so to see them all running around and having fun was really wonderful.
 The view out over the English Channel were gorgeous; and happily my fear of heights does not tend to manifest when I'm on solid ground (and a fence conveniently preventing me from diving off the cliff lol)

The buildings in the background are the Officer Barraks from when Dover Castle was taken over for defence purposes during WW2.  Some of the group went into the war tunnels - I remember it from years ago and really enjoyed it; but its a bit noisy, flashing lights (they simulate an air raid, if I remember correctly), and I really didn't think Rye would like it, and as Dover Castle is only 15 minutes by car, from where I live, there will be plenty of opportunities to do the tunnels in years to come.
 A look out bunker.  Rye is looking at sillouttes of ships and planes that are on the window (so it looks like they are in the channel) and then he has to match it up on the box in front of him; which tells him if the ships/planes are friend or foe.
This was rather popular with all the children.
 Stood outside the castle, waiting for everyone to catchup and the kids playing on the grass in front.
 Ahhh this did elicit a rather steroptypical and cliched impulse from me.  LOL.  And gawd I so want one!!!!!
 Obviously this is the kitchen, it was really good, but rather dimly lit which Rye wasn't overly keen on.

 Photo doesn't really show the size of this pestel and motar - it was really big... I have size 8 feet and could probably stand easily in it.
 My gruesome boy, loved the boar's head and was rather fascinated by the guts bucket too... lovely lol.
 That was his limit though, he started to stress a bit, so we came outside and walked around the Keep, then sat and rested weary legs (mine - Dover Castle is huge with some rather steep slopes and lots of steps).
 Ahhh happy now, he's got his sweets. 
Sadly I wasn't quick enough; I was trying to get a photo of the enactor (hunter I assume) walking around with a huge Irish Wolfhound.  Beautiful animal... I was desperate to go over and chat to the man and stroke the dog but alas, Rye wasn't having any of it... he may be more pragmatical around dogs these days...but not when they are the size of a small pony!  lol.


Fiona said...

What a great post, and it looks like a fun day was had by all.
We considered Dover Castle when we were over in the Summer, but like you with Rye, I felt Emily would struggle with a lot of the exhibits. Looks like I was probably right, and it was going to cost a LOT for us to get in!
Glad you had fun though.

Sandra Ann said...

I am constantly amazed by what you do, since I know you suffer greatly in doing so. Rye is very lucky to have you as his mama. The crocheted tub and lid covers look just lovely.

Thanks for your hugs and kind comments, joints still quite sore today, but we had some lovely friends visit with their kids and their company was a welcome distraction from the nagging pain.

Hugs to you both San xx