Sunday, 11 September 2011

First Week being "Official"

Well, as far as the "establishment" is concerned, Rye is now "officially" home educated.  I had thought to mark this somehow, but honestly though, it passed me by.  There was a smug moment of watching mums and dads fighting with brollies, and wee kids, looking very windswept, as they battled the aftereffects of Hurriane Irene, on Monday morning, for the school run... and there I was sat with my feet tucked under me, drinking a massive cup of hot coffee, and Rye playing on the floor with his toy garage.

In the main though, this week has been very much like any other week.  I haven't suddenly started home educating Rye, I've been doing it for years; and so the days meander on and we play, we tidy, we cook, we argue, shout, stomp, then play some more, watch dvds, go out, meet up with friends, have friends over, shout some more, ride bikes/scooters/ride ons, build amazing things with lego/treeblocks/anything else we can get our hands on...and on it goes.

The weeks also include "letterland day" on a Wednesday when typically, we go to another home educator's home and 3 families meld together to provide worksheets, instruction, fun, a bit of yelling, food and laughter.  Rye gave me proud mummy moments with his "Quarrelsome Queen" worksheets:

Including holding his pencil, more or less, correctly without me having to ask him to!
Thursday, it was suppose to be the "Not back to school picnic" with various home ed groups in Kent at Mote Park in Maidstone.  Alas I woke up with a nasty sinus headache again and just could not face it.
So instead, friends came around again, and youngest and Rye completed a few "P" worksheets:

Does make me smile that Rye gets so excited and thrilled at "worksheets".  Bless him.
And then we did some crafting,

so I made the kids lots of "P"s to decorate so we went from this:
to this:
 and this...
And afterwards the boys sat for AGES snipping away with sissors bits of scrap paper....learning valuable fine motor skills.......and of course the fine art of NOT snipping one's fingers off!
And later of course there was much playing, which included roaring and riding the scooters/tractor etc madly outside, building train tracks, playing upstairs, which included pulling all the books off the book case (sigh), jumping on beds, playing with water in the bathroom, (hmmm), eating, drinking, reading books, finally saying goodbye to friends... bathtime with cars, and then snuggling down with a much wanted crochet ripple blanket (see previous post) and phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sleep!

To start again the next day....... and that day included a bit of
Reading Eggs, reading stories, singing, more play with friends, squabbles, laughter, tears; the usual ensamble.
And the week ended with attending my minded child's 3rd birthday party, in which there was a nature walk and we collected lots of acorns and noticed the leaves on the trees are indeed turning and Autumn is looming.

1 comment:

LesleyA said...

J, my Miss B calls worksheets "funsheets" !!!!!