Thursday, 13 October 2011

Taaaa-Daaaaah! Granny Square Blanket.

A month on and I've completed the granny square blanket.
Originially it was going to be one huge grannysquare, however, what I originially had in mind, clearly wasn't going to work; so I decided to do 4 large grannysquares and sew them together.  A perfect size for a blanket for my sofa. 

I used James C Brett Marbled Chunky 100% premium Acrylic. 
I had quite a bit in my stash, although I did have to buy a little more to complete the blanket, approx 6 1/2 200g balls in all.  So anyway, here is the blanket; I like it; but I'm not in love with it.  The colours and colour pattern isn't quite barmy enough for me; but it is a lovely snuggly blanket and it does look nice on the sofa.

 Haven't been able to take a really good photo yet though, these are the best of the dozen or so I snapped.


Natalie said...

It's fab hun. Hey if you're ever short of Marble chunky again and need less than a ball, give me a shout and I'll see if I have the right colour. I have quite a stash of the stuff due to the fact I buy yarn faster than I'm learning to do anything with it. *blush*.

Becks said...

Oh J, I have some Marble chunky in my stash! If you're ever caught short agan give us a shout. I bet you're throw is so cosy, that yarn is supersoft isn't it?