Tuesday, 14 February 2012


 Creating Islands with playsilks.
 Outdoor Play Challenge; first we popped to the shops for a few purchases
and then onto the park for scootering and making new friends.

 Poor mindie, she was not a happy bunny as I could not allow her to attempt the pyramid
because if she got stuck I wouldn't be able to help her.
 Rye is a bit of a pro though.
Bargain rug, only £12.50 from the rug shop on the high street.   The children have 
deemed it very fine.  Picked up a rectangle rug too, red and cream for Rye's room, which he picked out himself.

The kids are watching Octonaughts while I warm up!  And wonder what to make
the them for tea.  (Probably spelt grain with veggies & sausages)

Then after Octonaughts I have a craft planned;
Pipecleaner hearts:  pipe cleaners and beads. 
Thread the pipecleaners with beads, and the shape into a heart and twist ends.

The other purchase I made was florist wire, that is precut, which I'll 
use for making popcorn heart bird feeders, at our home ed group on Thursday.


Rose said...

The uses for popcorn are endless i seems! Loving this idea too, you're my inspiration today! Albeit a little late to do with the kids but will serve me well tomorrow I think! X

Joxy34 said...

I saw the popcorn heart elsewhere, can't remember now, maybe pin interest, or possibly blogs... actually it might have been Stephanie's blog; Ordinary Life Magic. Loads of fantastic activities on there, or inspiration for other crafts..the beads and pipecleaners are obviously inspired by the popcorn idea.

Stephanie said...

Yup, it was me that came up with that one. :)

I love the islands! And the pyramid looks super fun-- my two would be all over that!