Thursday, 29 March 2012

Outdoor Challenge Update.

We failed.  Not long after I decided to join in, illness struck and many weeks past.

However, with weather as beautiful as of late, we've been more than making up for it:

Trips to the park have been frequent, sometimes during the day, and often in the evening after mindie has left.
Hmm, I do wish he'd stop watching the wheels spinning as he rides, I spend a lot of time calling out, "Watch where you are going, not the wheels!"
Ok, how on earth did my cute, but, admittedly, rather scrawny baby turn into this strapping lad???
We went to the beach on Tuesday, gosh the sun was bright.  Honestly, Rye was a bit off, we'd gone with another home edding family and he whined and moaned that he didn't want help digging his hole, he didn't want to share his bucket and spade etc. Kinda spoilt brat stuff, amazing considering the day before he had played beautifully with my friend's children and they had together, built the most amazing train track filling the entire playroom, and right along her rather big hallway!  Late night and early morning rise did not mix, clearly.

Bless him, you'd never know looking at the photo, not five mins before I'd become rather exasperated with him and told him to stop whining and just get over himself.

Wednesday I decided a mostly home day was in order, so Rye and mindie played in the garden mostly, we did pop down to the village to pick up Rye's other bike and I bought a vacuum cleaner (a Henry).  Once mindie left, I took Rye over to the little park.

And today is again Thursday and home ed group day.
 Although first we popped through to Dover to pick up my new car.  Gosh it's lovely.  I have managed for 5years without owning a car, however, increasingly, it's become apparent that the combination of childminding and home education, means a car is a useful tool, and honestly, I was simply tired of how long it takes to get anywhere without a car, not to mention the long, long train journeys to get to any camping meet ups.

So the car.  I've bought a 2011 Vauxhill Zafira, quite a fancy one too.  I didn't realise initially;  its got partial leather seats, front and back parking sensors, cruise control, six gears (not that I know what the 6th gear is for lol.. I assume motorway driving), air conditioning and at the press of a button it will check the tyre pressure is correct, and other stuff.  Oooh, it is lovely to drive too, after my friend's van, it feels so smooth and quiet. 
After picking up the car, and then queuing for diesel (don't get me started on that!), I drove back to Folkestone and we joined the home ed group down at the Coastal Park.  Rye had a fabulous time on his friend's scooter and another friend's trike.   There was some panic when I realised my friend's 3yr old, whom I was watching for her, was no longer in sight.  Big search, beginnings of real panic, before I was told he had been found - really quite far away, bless him, he's decided to go look for his mum.   Needless to say, I had eagle eyes on him after that and until his mum arrived back! 

Weekend plans, well, Rye goes to his dad's tomorrow and is not back until Sunday evening.  Ideal as I really, really need to blitz the house and garden. 


Susie said...

Oooh, congrats on the car - life will be so much easier with one. I wish i could drive, public transport is such a drag when you are out on endless home ed trips!
Rye is looking so grown up, he's adorable :-)

Joxy34 said...

~Thanks, it is a bit lovely :D I'm so excited, lots and lots of camping trips planned this year, and just knowing I can go to other HE events easily is wonderful...

I was looking at photos of him the other night, when he was a baby and just being completely bowled over that he is such a big lad, when he was a really scrawny little thing as a baby.