Saturday, 19 October 2013

Rose Howey


Five days, and already this sprawling house feels like home.
Rye is having a ball.   I barely see him; I miss my kid!  Once I've got our rooms a bit more unpacked and homily, we will have some time in the mornings to do stuff together, and then "family" time before bed... otherwise he would happily be off playing from waking to bedtime!  Put me right in my place, I can tell you.

Oooh, and Rye has a large bedroom now, which he loves, and once I've unpacked all the boxes, it will be fantastic.  My room by contrast is tiny.  My bed just fits in widthwise, and then there's room for a book case and bedside table.  I don't mind, it's cozy  The ceilings are really high, so plenty of wall space to put some shelving up.  It is also the room that needs the most work, so I will be moving out into a different room soon, so I can fix it up.  Rye's room is fine, my lovely housemates painted the room before we moved in, so for now, it is fine.  Rye does want the room red, there's no urgency though - all I need is to thrift some large rugs to cover his floor.  I had initially planned to sand and stain the floors, but in retrospect, for comfort, warmth and noise reduction - rugs is the way to go!

Can I tell you something wonderful?
5 days, I've been here 5 days..... and in that time, my knees have gone from being incredibly painful... to niggly.  Walking up the stairs is getting easier, and walking in general is virtually pain free.  I cannot tell express how sublime that is!

Oooh tonight is a baptism of fire for me too; I'm making vegan pizza for the communal meal this evening.  To say I'm nervous is an understatement.  It has been a long time since I cooked for so many people and to cook in a style that is not my comfort zone.    Will be fun though.

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