I am cream crackered! What a day.
Started at half six, Rye had come through about five and got into bed with, when my alarm went off he stirred and had a breastfeed and we had a lovely cuddle, then up, get ready and out of the door for carbooting.
Very chuffed with my carboot finds, particularly the easel for Rye, only £3. I did hesistate as it's plastic but as it's for the garden, plastic is better than wood as I'm terrible at remembering to cover stuff up etc and hey £3!!! And I've been reluctant to pay the delivery charge for the wooden Ikea one as it's nearly £8 and the easel it's self is only £12.99. The early learning wooden bus, policecar, lorry, horse transporter, rubbish lorry and milk van were £2 and Rye loves them. I also picked up the wool, 10p per ball, which I was very chuffed with too, particularly as some of it is 60 -75% wool. Oh I picked up the dvd for Rye too.
Then I popped round Queenie's because she needed to go into Canterbury to pick her husband up his birthday presents. So naturally, we had to browse in the charity shops; Rye spotted the hobby horse and at £3 something I couldn't really say no. I picked him up the "That's not my pony" too. For myself I picked up the 7th series of the West Wing for £9, very chuffed as it's the only series I don't have and another Kathy Reich book. In the Works I picked up Rye a couple of Thomas the Tank Engine stories and a "Nursery Basics" for 3-5 ages. He's had fun looking through it telling me the numbers and some of the letters and pictures and its a useful indicator for me as to the kind of things he should be able to understand - ie. two of the same, big and small, odd one out etc.
We arrived back at Queenie's around half five, both gasping for a cuppa. Bliss.
I'm now trying to lever myself out of this very sinkable, comfy chair to take Rye to bed so I can settle down with another cuppa and finish of the Kathy Reich book I started the other day and then early night as more carbooting tomorrrow!
I ache though, boy do I ache. Feet ache from all the walking and my back and hip is protesting a bit from carrying Rye in the ring sling. I had it on properly; but he's just getting a bit too heavy to be carried that way for any length of time. He did do a fair bit of walking but on the way back he wanted carrying - after walking into a lamp post and we kinda went round the houses to avoid the crowds on the main street in Canterbury; 'cept we'd gone slightly wrong so ended up doing a huge circle and finishing up not far from where we'd tried to take a detour. I had to make him walk the last little stretch as my hip was really beginning to protest, which he wasn't happy about but bless him, he did it without too much protest. I never thought I should have tried swapping him to the other shoulder, I use to do it a lot when he was a baby, but these days I've kinda got use to carrying him on my left hip.
Anyway, I really ought to get the little man into bed before I seize up lol.
That's a busy but productive day, lovely car boot finds. I LOVE the West Wing, we're on the second series. Now I'm the other way around to you, I read the Tempe Brennan books and watched Bones for the first time the other night but couldn't really 'get' the tone... is it meant to be funny? Is it worth sticking with? Maybe I should start from the first series and see if I like it.
I do like Bones a lot and yes it's meant to be funny. I would definitely watch the pervious series as it the relationship between Bones and Booth builds up over time - plus the episodes with Stephen Fry are brilliant.
You can watch the other series here:
http://www.surfthechannel.com/ Just type in "bones" and then select TV and it will bring up links. If you can watch the streamed episode on megavideo they tend to the best quality although you can only watch one episode a night unless you pay a subscription. Although there are other links (mostly Japanese) where you can watch unlimited although they all have subtitles and sometimes the speaking is out of sync with the actions; I do have season 1 & 2 on DVD though and you're welcome to borrow them when I next see you.
I thought for a minute you meant you'd got the West Wing DVD for Rye, then I saw the TRactor Tom one!
I like the Kathy Reichs books too but I could never watch Bones - far too gruesome to actually see on-screen despite delicious David Boreanaz!
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