Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Park and friends.

Still the Easter Holls, so no swimming today.  Instead Rye, C and me walked down to my local park, which quite a few other children were enjoying - not too many, just enough to give the park a sense of laughter, joy and play.

We left the house around 11am and arrived back about 20 minutes before C is picked up (5:30pm).  Rye on his balance bike and C in the pushchair, laden with picnic foods and a cannister of water.  First we went to the post office to finally post off some parcels; one of which I had to re-open because Rye insisted on making cards to add.  Then we popped to the bakery for a mid morning snack, followed by a leisurely walk to the park.

Later my friend with the twins, joined us and we all ate our lunch there; played until about half twoish before ambling back to hers for a lovely cuppa and more play for the kids.
Sorry, no photos, I forgot the camera; such a pity because the kids really did have a wonderful time. 
Then once C had been picked up I asked Rye what he'd like to do before bed and he excitedly told me he wanted to make puppets.  Thank you Sarie, Rye had a grand old time with the kit.  His puppet is rather a mishmash of all bits stuck together, but gosh he enjoyed himself, and really, that's all that matters.  Then, up those apples and pears for a bath and then bed. :-)  Little man is conked out in my bed, becoming bit of a habit.. seems he has a fondness for my big bouncy dark pink pillows!  (They are comfy).

And on Thursday we are hopefully going to Lyminge Forest, an ancient forest with bronze age untouched burials, on the Downs, just having a bit of a problem finding a bus that goes near :-(  There use to be one... but it's not looking good now, which I find stunning considering this forest has over 140,000 visitors a year!
I do hope there is a bus, I really can't afford the taxi this time.. its too far (probably cost around £20 each way). 

New moon tomorrow too, and a few pagan friends and acquaintances have noticed some strangeness going around - lots of illness, tiredness, particularly headaches and sickness - sooo, the new moon is a good time to help shove off all that negativity, and a local, whom I've yet to meet but soon  hopefully :-), has written this lovely rite  I've done variations on this theme over the years and always had good results - burning stuff is catharic at the best of times :-)  I love the chant at the end too, I'm shockingly bad at writing chants and stuff that rhythmes, almost like I have some form of rhyming dsylexia.


arwen_tiw said...

Morgan is actually laughing with delight at her card, and saying that Rye is her BEST FRIEND, hehe so sweet. :) The girls are all delighted with the parcel, thankyou so much, and on Rowan's birthday too!

Joxy34 said...

Oh bless :-) Its a belated Easter pressies, but aw, I'm glad they like the cards and stuff. The felt toys were from the Faery Festival :-)