Sunday, 23 May 2010

Blazing Sunny Weekend.

Cor, there's some heat in that sun.  Normally I'm a bit hot sunny day adverse but after such a long cold winter I am enjoying the beautiful weather; and Rye of course is in his element.  Days like this make parenting easy :-)
Punchball fun.  Today Rye has normal balloons and is having fun chasing them around the garden and trying to get them to stay in a box so he can take them for a ride in the trailer.  Alas the wind keeps teasing the balloons away. 

No an overly successful attempt at making herb rolls, in which I replaced the plain flour (4 cups plain, 4 cups wholemeal strong), with rice flour.  This are like rocks, so today I've whizze them up in the magimix and using some to make a stuffing - I love sage stuffing, so having a go at a home made version, that I@ll bake in the loaf tin and then serve with potatoe salad and yet more salad :-)
The loaf version  was more successful and tasty... but oh so dense.  Defnitely less rice flour.
Lunch yesterday, the herb and rice bread, with cracked bulgar wheat salad and green juice :-) Bless Rye, doesn't he look tired; all that play in the fresh air :-)
He dozed off for a while, just long enough for me nearly finish watching the Jonathan Creek espisode I rented from Love Film.  Then back outside for some more play.  I do wish the garden was a bit more interesting.  Sure it's great for Rye to have space to ride his bike around; but I do have a good sized park literally across the road.  A few more bushes, places to hide, would be great.  Oh well, hopefully when I move next it will be to a home where I can really bed down and not be constantly thinking there's no point doing xyz because I'll be moving in a few years.  One of the problems with renting - while I love the freedom renting gives me... it is a pain sometimes.

Hey, I was very proud of Rye last night.  We were sat at the table drawing and Rye wanted to know how to write his name and write some letters.  He's defiinitely starting to get the concept of letters forming words - but in true 3yr old fashion the need to be on the move is "hindering" further development writing.  As I said to the OFSTED inspector though, Rye isn't going to school so it is not imperative he is able to write and read at 5 - if it takes him a bit longer, well, it's not going to matter. (She had the idea I would be doing EYFS with Rye - haha, not a chance - and that I would have to inform the LEA when he's 5 - I put her right on that one.. I am quite surprised after all limelight HE has had there is still so much ignorance). 
Anyway, while Rye wanting to know how to write letters was fab - I was more proud of when I said it was time to pack up and I had a treat for him and had rented a dvd for him to watch.  He didn't want to watch it, he wanted to stay and draw with me :-)

We compromised, drew for another 10 mins then set up the table for more drawing in the morning.  Then upstairs we went and watched Disney's The Jungle Book.  Hmmm.  I seem to remember it being more fun - Rye seemed to enjoy the film, I was a bit bored though.   Perhaps I'm thinking of the book, which I read as a child, way before seeing the film.  I think I still have the book I read as a child too :-)  Same with Bambi, love the book, not so fussed on the film.  Then sleep time, 'cept Rye was a bit over excited, so I layed down with abook and he got a book from his bedroom.  Eventually, he asked me to read it to him - omg, what an awful story.  It's a Disney (again!) Poo book - this one about Tigger loosing his stripes when his friends ambush him and chuck him in a tub, and scrub him, then when they rinse him off, they then ask who he is because Tiggers have stripes and he doesn't have any.  Thus he proceeds to try and find out what kind of animal he is, and endures being sprayed with pesticide, chased by a swarm of beas, told he's too big.. until finally Eeyore tells him, it's what he is on the inside that matters and he starts to bounce and his stripes pop back.  That book will be disappearing.  Anyhoos, not long after, me lad went to sleep.

I've been reading "You are your child's First Teacher", and rather liking it, there is some bits I consider mumbo jumbo and I was a bit surpised to see controlled crying basically described - inspite of the against stance the author takes to "crying it out".  I do find the, "if you don't agree it's because you're not enlightened", impression the author gives, a tad irritating.  The chapers on encouraging play, the different stages though are really good and I've had quite a few ideas of things I'd like to implement. 

I woke at stupid o'clock this morning and couldn't seem to drop off, so I read abit more, before feeling sleepy again.  Rye woke, had a feed, then went back to sleep in my arms.  I keep thinking I ought to get him back into his own room again - then wondering why I ought to.  He obviously prefers to sleep with me at the moment and I'm finding he's not disturbing my sleep like he was before - so why worry about it, he'll go into his own room when he's ready.  Mind, I do fine the bedtime routine goes out the window when I let him bedshare.  Need to implement that again as I need those few hours on an eve without children making demands.

I felt him get up and go downstairs, I enjoyed spreading out in my bed, well, until he came running back into the bedroom to shout, "Wake up Mammee, it's time to get up and get dressed," and jumped on me and decided to feed again.  We had our Sunday morning bath - mmm, so nice to have such a leisurely morning, and then meandered downstairs for some breakfast.  Aunty Jen called round and we enjoyed a few hours in the garden chatting, eating lovely healthy foods and Aunty Jen tried Green Juice and was pleasantly suprised.  Rye and I had a water fight in his paddling pool - he won, I was soaked!  Cooled me down tho :-) 
Once Aunty Jen left I came inside as it was starting to get a bit too hot for me.  Rye followed me in and promptly fell asleep on the sofa for an hour.
Quick tidy around, hang out some laundry and then Rye was awake and outside playing again with bubbles and the tractor etc.  He didn't stay out long though, the sun is really baking today, so we're staying indoors until the sun goes round a bit more and the garden starts to get a bit of shade.

And now I'll go and finish off making tea :-)

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