Thursday, 16 September 2010

Last few days.

A really lovely week.
We've eaten dino and angel toast.
We've been into town shopping, and I picked up some more yarn that was on sale.  My stash has grown expotenitally recently as I was also given a large box of yarns.
We've been to softplay, where I barely saw my son, hence just the one photo. Spent the entire day there - bit much for me, had a blazing headache when we left.  The walk home in the fresh air helped to blow most of  the headache away.  Then that evening I went to a Stitch and Bitch group, which was so lovely.  Rye was so zonked, he fell asleep at 6pm and woke up today just before 8am - I don't think he even realised I went out.
Then after toddler group this morning, we then went onto the country park, and again I barely saw Rye.
We've made new friends at the HE goup too, and it's just lovely to see the group growing and lots of other children there, both littleys and older children.  We caught the train home and of course, as we stepped off the train the clouds burst a leak.  Rye thought it was marvelous, and proceeded to get very wet jumping in puddles.

A very enjoyable few days.


Eoforhild said...

That's an amazing looking slide, Rye is getting to be such a daredevil.

Dawn said...

Great fun at the park.

Hard to resist wool bargains isn't it ;-)

Joxy34 said...

Aye, he scares me sometimes, he wanted to come down face first.. I firmly suggested that it was not a good idea.

Ohhh I do love wool bargains. I really must find a storage solution though, my bedroom is being overrun now, lol... oh and the lounge too ;-)

Becks said...

You can never have too much wool ;-)
And I do hope poor Rye is perkier this morning.