Friday, 21 October 2011

This week.

An odd week.
I've been not ill really, just abit under the weather.  Delicate tum which always hits in the night and means I end with very little sleep owing to excessive bloating and, er, shall we just say the passage of wind; seems a bit of an after effect of the D&V bug from the other week.  Indeed friends keep having problems with the vomitting returning - seems this bug leaves one very susceptible to re-infection; while also being incredibly random.  My mindie, has not had the illness at all, inspite of Rye and myself being ill, although of course I did quarantine us and closed the setting; but she has been around children who then started puking mere hours later.  So yeah, a very random bug this year, which is keeping us all on our toes and feeling very wary!

Thus our letterland day on Wednesday was cancelled, as the family that hosts were not feeling too bright.  So a fair bit of home time this week; well with trips over the road to the park, or popping out to do some shopping, bit of tidying, attempting to visit friends, and then cancelling because of under the weatherness.  Add in the very distinct nip of winter, never mind autumn and well I am very pleased indeed I finished my granny square blanket; it is a very snuggly warm blanket!

Thursday was a day of both highs and lows.  Rye had is paeditrician appointment; which began with me suddenly leaping out of bed at 10.11am (another dodgy night with wind), and yelling at Rye to find his shoes and that we had to go NOW!  Considering that included  me getting dressed, having a wash, finding car keys, house keys, mobile, purse etc... I am astounded we arrived at the hospital at 10.35am.  Our appointment was for 10.25am, very relieved that the doctor still saw us, indeed no issue was made of our lateness at all.

The appointment, well mix bag.  On the one hand the nurse that weighted and measured Rye was fabulous at helping me to overcome his reluctance to let her neear him; and by the time we left he was smiling happily at her and engaging...and oh my gosh, my boy is 117cm tall!  I'm 167.5cm apparently... he's 50 cm shorter than I am at four years old!  That is just scary.

But anyway, I don't really want to go in too much depth about the appointment on here, suffice to say, Rye has been referred for assessment by the ASD team; however there could be complications because of his educational provision... I will tackle that as and when/ if and when it becomes an issue... I am however expecting to have to fight for my son's right to assessment.  But we'll see.

The highlight of the day though, was in the afternoon going over to a fellow home educators home for our home ed group meet up to make halloween decorations for the upcoming Halloween Party on the 3rd Nov (yes I know but we have Forest School on the 27th Oct).  The kids did me proud.  I showed them how to make spiders using egg boxes, black paint, googly eyes and pipe cleaners - which they had a marvellous time doing and gosh the mess was spectactular.  Then I showed the children how to make spider webs cutting into  paper - I learned how to do it from here:  and because I was so busy being involved in all this, I'venot been able to take photos.  We didn't spray the webs; I felt adding spray paint into the mixture was perhaps a wee bit tooooooooo risky; excited children and spray paint..hmmm, no.  LOL.

After that I cut out pumpkin shapes on orange card and the children decorated them with glitter and googly eyes.  One boy who had begun to loose interest found his forte making gruesome eyeballs out of tissue paper, glitter and large googly eyes.  And we also made some ghosts too.  A very, very simple craft designed with our very youngest members in mind... essentially some tissue paper is pushed up between thumb and fore finger and then twisted around to create the neck and head.  Then decorate with yet more glitter and googly eyes etc.

They really did do a grand job and we have losts of lovely decorations now for the party.  And as a seperate, do at home, craft I've suggested that some of the kids could make spider nests.  I saw that on a blog too; sadly I can't remember which one to link to it; so if anyone knows which it is, let me know please.  Very simple craft, blow up a balloon, wet strands of white yarn/string in pva/water mixture and then drape over the balloon neest fashion.  Leave to dry - pop the balloon and hey presto, a spider's nest.  I'll be doing this with Rye before the party, but not this weekend as he's at his dad's.

And I need the distraction too so I didn't brood too much on the earlier appointment at the hospital.
Today, bit of tidy up, and then a friend came over and the kids played for a bit, needed a fair bit of referring today; not really sure what got into Rye; he was very manic, and I spent a lot of time having to remind him to be gentle etc and indeed I had to remove him a few times and make him go upstairs just to cut through the fog he seemed to be in, so he'd actually hear me that his behaviour was not appropriate.Mind seemed epidemic too, my mindie was a tad challenging to day too; well no not challenging; just very dramatical and tinkerish, which I found challenging from a being patient stance.

So that's been the week so far.  A mixed bag for sure.

Tomorrow, Rye goes to his dad's for the weekend; I will attempt to plumb in a lent to me dishwasher... well, actually I'm hoping my friend's husband comes up tomorrow and does it for me... yeah, yeah I know I COULD do it myself, but why when there's a man willing?  That's about as far as I've got with weekend planning at the mo.

Have a good one :-)

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

I have nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award on my blog!
Kimmy x