Monday, 26 December 2011

Winter Solstice and unexpected Christmas.

Plans out the window, nontheless a wonderful Yule

Twizzling cones
Our Yule eve consisted of a deeply moving and uplifting ritual at the beach.  Formal ritual is not my bag really, however I do enjoy group rituals, and Yule is my favourite.  We stood within the stone circle on the shingle beach, it was dark, we all held candles while a friend of mine, took us through a ritual of rebirthing the sun and casting out those things we wished to remove from our lives, and inviting in those we'd like to embrace.  Wonderful stuff.  Afterwards we went to a friend's house for a festive supper. Nom nom.
A very simple "tree" this year
 We arrived home after midnight, took a wee while for an excited little boy to drift off to sleep, once he had, the Yule day prep began.  The Winterking came and left Rye his wrapped gifts and stocking.  Sadly one gift had to put aside, quality assurance determined that it doesn't work, we suspect dead batteries, alas the batteries it requires though are not ones I generally keep in the house.

 Discovery of the remote controlled Monster Jeep, squeals abounded.  Seems all remote vehicles are scaletrix, Bless him.
 Insisted on bringing his stocking downstairs to look through it again. 

 A thoroughly lovely day, although we never did get around to Yule dinner.  I was up until twenty to four in the morning preparing everything for the WinterKing, and when Rye asked for cuddles on the sofa while watching Cars dvd... well it was lethal and we both fell asleep. 

The local autistic support group had hired out soft play in the evening, so I decided to take Rye to that and we could get something to eat there.  He was excited about going, but in the end didn't enjoy it as much as he could... first indication my boy was getting ill.

A nasty cold that hit hard and fast.  I offered to Rye's dad to have christmas at my house and I would go out.  He refused and instead said he would pick up Rye on Christmas Day morning, if he was well enough, if not he'd cancel and give him his presents when he next has him.  Furious and disgusted does not begin to cover my reaction.  There was a glimmer as initially on Christmas Eve Rye looked like he was feeling better, by the evening tho, he was running a temperature and looking awful.  No christmas with his dad.  Panic!  I don't do christmas normally.  Thankfully friends pitched in, one brought around a few gifts so Rye would have something to open, I remembered a huge myriad wooden train I'd bought second hand ages ago, and we would go to my friend's house for Christmas dinner.

Cue Christmas morning.  Rye squealed when he saw presents at the end of  bed.."Santa did come!" he excitedly said.
 Then downstairs to find the train under the playsilk.  He was thrilled!

 Think he likes it :-)

Later we went to my friend's house for christmas dinner.  Rye refused to eat, so rather than make him sit at the table, I let him sit and watch tv while we ate.  He did perk up a fair bit and enjoyed playing with his Aunty Jen and Lulud, Jenny's dad had fun pretending to the be Gruffalo, and Rye squealing and giggling. 
Really lovely to share their Christams, and it was lovely to have my boy with me too :-)

Once home, Rye began to flag, and he wanted to watch more of the Tom and Jerry dvds that my friend gave him.  Soon he was asking to go to bed!!!  Unheard of and the beginning of a long and worrying night.  Rye's temperature spiked, he was covered in sweat, and on the edge of delirium.  At one point, I was about to get dressed and take Rye to hospital, but I managed to get him to take some paracetmol suspension, and a little while longer, he calmed and slipped into normal sleep.  Phew.

So yes not to plan, but despite illness, disgust at an ex, who really doesn't "get it".  Ok Rye did need to stay home, but I offered the ex the use of my house; he still hasn't realised that it's not about what he wants or prefers.  Saddens me that he thinks it was ok to cancel christmas simply because he couldn't have Rye at his own home.  Ah well, onwards and upwards. 

I hope everyone had a merry christmas and here's looking forward to the New Year :-)  (Rye's birthday!)


Jacqui said...

Don't focus on that, J. So glad you had a nice cosy time with your boy. Sending lots of love and blessings to you both. xxx

Sandra Ann said...

So glad that it all worked out in the end. You were quick on your feet remembering the gift and you are truly blessed to have friends who are so loving and generous.

I know you're annoyed about the ex but remember if he too is on the spectrum. he won't "do" unexpected change and that might explain his unwillingness to be flexible, especially since you had kindly offered the use of your home.

Hope Rye continues to improve.

Love San xx

Ailie said...

Sounds like a very stressful time- Ry is a lucky lad indeed to have a mum who can pull things together like that.

Your Yule ritual sounds lovely, maybe I need to start getting back into the Pagan community.