A hair cut. A slight regression, Rye had an attack of the anxiousitis. With some firm words, coaxing, and yes a bribe of chocolate, the job got done.
Kearsney Abbey. So frustrating, it was beautiful and sunny in the morning; afternoon it rained and the temperature dropped significantly. Brrrrr.
Saturday Rye was picked up by his dad. That evening I'd organised the Great Trampoline Erection and Bbq. Trampoline went up super fast, the bonfire tripod bbq was admired, and the food nommed..**cough** and a wee bit of cider and wine might have been consumed too....
And brought him home to show him his surprise. That grin says it all :-))
While car booting Sunday, I managed to pick up Rye some of the Bob the Builder vehicles, so today has been mostly trampolining and playing in the sandpit. Interspersed with me reading the Iliad and the Odyessey, by Marica Williams to him, and the Centipedes 100 shoes.
Both books arrived in the very large Amazon order. 13 story CDs, most of the Sir Cumference books, several of the Marica Williams books, Kingfishers encyclopedia of history, the rest of the story of world volums, and a few other story books recommended by The Well Trained Mind book. Plus I also downloaded classic children stories for the Kindle Ap; secret garden, five children and It, the railway children, etc. Oh and a couple of the Bones series on DVD for me.
So far, my reading into classical education is exciting me; and I'm struck by similarities with Waldorf in terms of child development. I very much like the classical educations emphasis on language and literature, including how history, science, and literature are linked chronologically. Back in my day grammar wasn't taught. Well, I remember the odd lesson on nouns, verbs and pronunciation; and I do mean the odd lesson. Personally, I feel understanding grammar is important. It is not a strong point for me, and so will be an interesting learning curve for myself too.
These early years, in Classical terms, are the grammar years; the building blocks of learning to come, that will be built upon. There is an emphasis on oral learning, memorization, and as writing develops; copying from classical education. Comprehension, logic, rhetoric, these elements come in much later.
Already I am pondering our circle time, which admittedly has fallen by the wayside recently. The children enjoy circle time, and the classical reading scheme, the encouragement to learn simple poems to memorise the vowel names and sounds etc; reading fairy tales and adaptions of classics for young children; all these things I can add into our circle time easily. From a childminder's perspective too, nicely fits in some of the EYFS learning goals.
I like I can bring these elements into our life without ramming it down Rye's throat. I am enriching his playing and learning environment, while remaining true to my beliefs that young children need to play and they need freedom to play without undue adult direction or interference. The caveat being if they ask for input.
I wonder too if Rye's enjoyment of workbooks is a natural desire within him, for a richer learning environment.
Truly, these are exciting times.
Really interesting to hear your thoughts on classical education. It's great when we feel so fired up about something! :) Thank you for sharing x
Its really interesting hearing what you are saying about Rye having a natural desire in him for workbooks. I feel like people have been telling me (sometimes rather forcefully) for a couple of years that 'learning is bad', 'children dont need academics' etc etc when actually for Charlie it has always been really important. I've felt torn between providing her with a rich learning environment and held back by this bit of self doubt of 'but is that forcing learning upon her? shouldnt she just be playing in the mud?'. Truth is for Charlie they are both equally important and valid experiences and have been for some time so its like a breath of fresh air suddenly hearing others talk about their children wanting to learn things! lots of the things you just listed are on my wishlist too! I feel a bit of an academic resource splurge coming sometime soon! lol Thanks for sharing! xx
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